My adapters don't work or I lost my adapters. Can I get new ones from you?
Harmonix does not provide warranty support for legacy Rock Band hardware and we do not have access to replacement instruments or components.
Warranty issues for Rock Band hardware were previously handled by Mad Catz (for Rock Band 3 hardware, including keyboards and Pro MIDI converters) or by EA (for Rock Band, Rock Band 2, and The Beatles: Rock Band). At this time, several years after legacy Rock Bandinstruments were manufactured, the products are no longer within warranty and Mad Catz and EA will not be able to provide customer support for legacy Rock Band hardware.
Online retailers and resale sites such as eBay or Amazon may have replacement hardware or components that will address your issue. Members of the Rock Band community on the forums may also be able to point you towards alternate hardware solutions, or retailers in your area. Please note that Harmonix does not have any affiliation with these retailers and cannot guarantee anything purchased secondhand or recommended in the Rock Band forums.