My game's calibration is definitely off! What can I do to make this better?

From the Rock Band 4 Main Menu, scroll down and select Options. Once there you can select Calibration. You can calibrate your game automatically or manually.



If you have a Rock Band Wireless Fender™ Stratocaster™ Guitar Controller, select Calibrate Automatically. Rock Band 4 Guitar Controllers and previous generations of Rock Band Wireless Fender Stratocaster Guitar Controllers can Auto Calibrate.

When you are prompted, hold your controller up to your sound system speaker or your TV’s speaker (wherever the sound is coming from) as close as possible without touching. Hold your guitar controller there until prompted.

To calibrate your system’s video timing, when you are prompted, hold your controller up to your TV screen, with the guitar controller facing the TV and as close to the TV as possible without touching.

Test out a song in Quickplay to make sure it feels right. If not, try auto-calibrating again, or try calibrating manually.



If you would prefer to calibrate manually, select Calibrate Manually.

  1. Select Options from the Main Menu, then System Settings, then Calibration, and finally Calibrate Manually.
  2. Audio calibration is Step 1. Each time you hear a drum beat, you need to press a button in time.  The button to press depends on what instrument you have:
    1. Controller (for vocals): press the S button in time with the beat
    2. Guitar: strum the guitar in time with the beat
    3. Drum: hit the green pad on your drum set in time with the beat
  3. Proceed to Step 2: Video Calibration. When you see the needle hit either side of the meter, press the button in time with the needle - as above, the button you press depends on what instrument you are on. Your system is now calibrated. Test it out!




If you can’t get an ideal calibration using auto calibration or manual calibration, try setting your calibration numbers by hand. Select Enter Calibration Numbers from the Calibration menu and check out the chart below. Try starting with the numbers below and adjust gradually as needed until the settings feel just right.


  • LCD 1 = Audio 80, Video 50
  • LCD 2 = Audio 15, Video 30
  • CRT = Audio 0, Video 0
  • DLP = Audio 15, Video 60
  • Rear-Projection = Audio 5, Video 50
  • Plasma = Audio 50, Video 50